Summertime is the prime time to take advantage of the lovely outdoors here in Michigan. I love to do outdoor workouts outside as much as I can before winter comes and ruins it all for me. Today I wanted to share a few of my favorite outdoor workouts that don't include running. Hopefully these will give you some ideas to add in to your workout routine!
I'm also sharing my athletic
#NSale picks in widget below in honor of the public sale going live tomorrow!

First up is a pyramid workout. This means you start with a small number of reps, work up to a higher number, and then go back down to the small number. The best way to do this to have the harder moves in lower reps and the easier moves in higher reps. You can do this with any moves you want. Repeat the circuit 3 times.

The next workout I love to do is Tabata which is 20 seconds of high intensity and 10 seconds of rest. Do this 8 times then rest. Repeat as many times as you like. I usually do 4-5 sets of this. Always plan out your workout before you start because it will help you stay on track. I like to do 2 different moves per Tabata set.

The last way I love to workout is HIIT which is similar to Tabata. For this and the Tabata workouts I use the app Intervals. It lets you set how long you want your high and low intensity timers to be and it prompts you when to stop and start each workout. For my HIIT workouts I like to do 45 seconds high intensity followed by 15 seconds of rest. I like to do a lot of weights when I do this which is why the timing is longer. I grab a pair of dumbbells and do all the workouts with those. You can choose any weight that works for you and the level you're at.

I hope these 3 outdoor workout ideas help motivate you to get outside and get moving! I'll be in my backyard doing these a little later this afternoon! What are your favorite outdoor workouts in the summer? Let me know in the comments below!