Every year I create the goals that I want to accomplish for the year. I've really changed my technique over the years of how I like to set my goals and go about achieving them. Today I wanted to share my tips to help you set the right goals and keep them long-term. Let's make 2017 our best year ever!
Create measurable goals -- I used to set goals that I could sway one way or another to fit what I needed them to fit once the set time period was over. It was a safety net to protect myself from feeling like I was failing. Setting measurable goals will hold you more accountable. It also will make you really evaluate what you're doing right and what you need to work on. Being honest with yourself is very challenging, but also very refreshing. For example, if your goal is to read more, change it something like 'read 12 books in 2017'. 'Read more' is too vague to ever measure if you actually hit your goal or not.
Be realistic -- We all know the story of the new years resolutioners who decide they're going to finally lose the weight starting at the new year. They set out with a huge goal and commit to work out 5 days a week right out of the gate. After a few weeks, the gym starts to empty out as these resolutioners have failed on their goals. The reason so many of these people are failing is because they're being unrealistic with their goals. If you're someone who doesn't work out ever, start small. Commit to going to the gym once a week. Get into a groove and then add another day. Slowly build up to becoming a 5-days-a-week-in-the-gym-person.
Think big picture -- What are the things you want to accomplish in your life in the big picture? For example, if you imagine traveling the world in the next 10-15 years then maybe it's time to start saving up for it. Your goal could be to put $50 a week into a separate savings account. Over the course of a year, you'd save $2600! Small steps can make huge results!
Write it down -- I use a planner and write down my weekly goals every week. The step of writing it down does something for me mentally. Putting pen to paper makes it seem more important than just thinking about it. Maybe for you it's making a note in your phone or telling your partner. Find what works for you and do more than think about what you want to make happen.
Target has some great planning tools that are easy to access like
this adorable planner!
Break down big goals into small steps -- this goes along with thinking big picture. I want to declutter my entire house so I've started breaking it down by room. The thought of decluttering my entire house is overwhelming and seems undoable. Since I've decided to focus on a specific room each week, it's much more manageable. Over the weekend I finished organizing my living room. My big goal was to declutter my living room. The small steps were all things that could take 15 minutes or less so I could check one thing off my list every night during the week or work in a big chunk over the weekend. These steps included things like go through and reorganize the bins on my shelves, dust all surfaces, vacuum my rug, and hang my new mirrors. Vacuuming my rug is something I could check off my list any day during the course of the week and I feel accomplished when I can cross off an item on my list!
Once your goals are set, if you find yourself getting stuck, I wrote
a post last year about
conquering your to-do list that you may find very helpful!
I hope these tips help you to set some awesome goals for the year to help you have your best year yet! Do you have any tips on goal setting? Let me know in the comments!