Faux Fur for the Win

Faux Fur for the Win

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TOP | VEST: Similar here and here | DENIM | BOOTIES | HANDBAG: Old, similar here and here | BRACELETS | WATCH | RINGS: here and here | NECKLACES: here and here | NAIL POLISH

Hello, friends!

I can't tell you how many times I've tried on faux fur vests thinking they're so cute on other people, but I've never gotten one. I finally grabbed one this year, and I really like it! I like that this one isn't super bulky, since I'll still need to wear a winter coat over it once it really gets cold here. I also love that wearing a piece like this really changes the look of this tunic (that I wear on repeat). Speaking of which, this tunic is one of my tried-and-true faves. I've mentioned it SO many times, but I can't stop talking about it.

I grabbed this vest last week from Old Navy in store, but I can't find it on their site, which is really weird. I don't know if it's new and just hasn't made it to the site yet, but if I see it come up on the site, I'll link it for you guys (obv). The ones I did link are both similar in color and aren't super bulky either.

Have you tried anything new lately that you never thought you'd wear? Let me know in the comments. I hope you have a great Wednesday!



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