I subconsciously spent basically my entire week wearing some sort of pink. I felt like I needed to give you all the details of yesterday's outfits. The top I just picked up from Target this week; I can't stop my obsession with lace trimmed tops.
I'm SO happy it's the weekend! This week was a rough one for me. I have been wanting to clean out my dressing room and transition some of my wardrobe so I'm hoping to do that either today or tomorrow. I have a few finishing touches to put on my dressing room, and then I will do a tour for you to finally see my closet.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend; thanks for stopping by!
DENIM: here | TOP: here | HANDBAG: Old, similar here, here, and here | BOOTS: Sold out, similar here | WATCH: here | BRACELETS: here, here, and here | LIP GLOSS: here