One of my favorite clothing items is the white tee. It's so easy to dress up, dress down, add bold accessories, a fun scarf, or go simple or neutral. These jeans are one of the most comfortable pair of jeans I've ever put on. And, that's saying a lot considering I wear jeans about 315 days of the year. Sidenote, is it just me or can you not stand having the front of your hair in your face? I literally have to do something to the front pieces of my hair EVERY DAY. This braid has been my go to hairstyle as of late.
Also, YAY! You guys, it's warming up in Michigan! I don't want to jinx it here, but boy has it felt good outside the last two days. I got to run outside on Sunday for the first time this year. I also bought my Tiger's opening day tickets on Saturday which means baseball season is just around the corner. I have so many things to look forward to coming up. 9 days until LA, 11 days until the official start of spring, 27 days until opening day, and 32 days until Florida with my family! Woo, I'm so excited for the things to come!
I hope you're having an amazing Tuesday, lovelies!
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